Leave No Trace

At Aniwa Gathering, we uphold a strong commitment to environmental stewardship through our Leave No Trace policy. We are deeply grateful to be hosting our Gathering in Big Bear, situated on Yuhaaviatam - Serrano Territory, and we are committed to leaving a minimal impact on the land, allowing it to remain pristine for generations to come. By embodying a Leave No Trace (LNT) philosophy, we aim to increase community cooperation for waste diversion from landfill and the protection of our natural environment.

What is Leave No Trace?

Leave No Trace means leaving the land better than you found it by leaving no trace of your presence behind. This includes removing all items brought onto the site, including litter accumulated during your stay, and disposing of them responsibly off-site. Understanding waste diversion practices in your community is crucial to planning ahead and assessing your consumption in a holistic way.

Tips and Guidelines

Here are some key tips and guidelines to help you practice Leave No Trace during your time at Aniwa Gathering:

  1. Plan Ahead and Prepare: Think through how you will dispose of each item you bring to the event. Have a well-planned camp tear-down procedure and coordinate with campmates for waste disposal.

  2. Reduce Packaging: Minimize unnecessary packaging by leaving it at home. Opt for products with minimal packaging and choose aluminum cans over bottles for beverages.

  3. Rethink Food Portions: Prepare sensible quantities of food to minimize waste. Coordinate with campmates to avoid excess food that may lead to unnecessary trash.

  4. Don't Rush Packing and Departure: Take your time when packing up to ensure you leave nothing behind. Start packing early to avoid making rushed decisions and leaving items behind.

  5. MOOP Sweeps: Conduct regular MOOP (Matter Out of Place) sweeps around your campsite to pick up any debris or litter. This helps maintain cleanliness throughout the event.

  6. Respect Wildlife: Avoid disturbing wildlife and refrain from bringing pets to the event.

  7. Pack It Out: Remember to pack out all trash, small debris, and leftover materials. Leave the site as you found it, or better.