Elder Testimonials

Participant Testimonials

Elder Testimonials
He aha te mea nui o te AO? He Tangata He Tangata
(What is the greatest thing in the world? It is people, it is people) - Ancient Māori proverb.
For me Aniwa encompasses the above proverb! Its meaning is wide and diverse, in these transition times for Mankind.
Aniwa is about communal gathering whereby and through the love of Elders, a safe environment is provided to share, learn and receive, coming together as ‘One Family’.
Aniwa for me personally is and act of love of Service, ordained and Blessed by God and Pachamama, through the heeding call for healing through Ancestors...
Aniwa represents LOVE and the best way forward in this world today! Aniwa is an opportunity to gather Honorably with other Indigenous Elders from around the world. It is a time when many teachings will be shared; some of which would otherwise remain inter-tribal or even cease to exist all together. Through Aniwa the opportunity is available for those who are seeking to learn more of the Indigenous ways and how to incorporate them into their own day to day lives. Teachings fundamental to the ways of Mother Earth; as we have learned and kept them through Tribal Ceremony and Ancestrally kept ways. I am thankful that there are Elders who are Confident and Comfortable in the Gifts given to each by Creator. There is no room for pride. Plenty of sharing and interacting on a very personal level with everyone. Many different traditions and Ceremonies to attend and always that feeling of being loved! A place for anyone to feel safe enough to open your heart and allow yourself to be filled with the Love of the Great Spirit. One has many opportunities to attend and learn the ways of Ceremony and Truth; so as to be healed and changed..in a “Good Way” “Forever”! A’ho!
Kiiloona Lunaapeewak ~ We are all one People
We make a deep call to the Sacred Circle of Aniwa, to be part of different cultures holding the Ceremonies of the Elements Fire Water Earth Air.
Together we join our prayers of gratitude and receive the wisdom and spiritual medicine of each Grandmother and Grandfather who accompany us during these days of coexistence and mental, emotional, physical and spiritual transformation, where each of us honor and weave the prayers for a life in harmony with the cosmos.
Long live Aniwa! May Ajaw accompany us with love.
Aniwa is a breath of life for many.
The air I breathe while at Aniwa opens and nurtures the spirit and mind- connecting to Mother Earth and the importance of carrying on the traditional cultures and prayers of this life.
The work Aniwa does in many places of this world is so important and contributes to the betterment of many indigenous communities
Aniwa is a blessing to this life.
I came as an invited elder. I left inspired and filled with hope by the youth. It was heart opening, life changing and humbling to participate.
We are in a time of great change. We are in a time when humanity has the power to determine our fate, for good or bad.
There is a great need in the world for the energy, technological know how, and motivation of the youth. There is an equal need for the insight, experience, spiritual depth and wisdom of the elders. The BOA Foundation and the Aniwa Gatherings that they create provide the bridge for these groups to meet and share. It is done with love and respect. They are not mere words but actions that they provide.
There is a moral imperative on both sides to do all that we can. The times demand this. Only in this way will humanity find their way thru. Only in this way will the prophecies be fulfilled.
Participant Testimonials
Aniwa is an honor to experience to share in prayers, healing, tears, laughter, community, cultural exchange and knowledge with the wisdom keepers and souls alike. Through ancient ways we are all brought into a family experience. Here we are only the children of mother earth and father sky. Nothing can express the extreme gratitude I have each year I attend Aniwa. The healing that transpires, the friendships that deepen and the exponential growth that continues long after the 4 days is over. Aniwa is more than a gathering, it is an initiation into your soul.
My family received deep powerful healing that I am forever grateful. My sons and I can’t wait to return to Aniwa. All the beautiful people who join the gathering felt like family and I imagine if Aniwa would manage to gather all the people in the world to receive these great gifts the world will be a different place. Mother Earth would be in a better place. We would all use so much more love and kindness. Many of us think we know so much, but we don’t. The indigenous do, the warriors of the planet who work so hard day and night to try to safe us. We need to start to listen and return to our roots and live with the earth, not just on it. Aniwa will change your life so get ready and don’t miss that opportunity.
Words can’t express my gratitude for Aniwa. I have been to the last two Aniwa gatherings. To receive the love and wisdom of all these elders from all over the world is wonderful. Aniwa to me was such a magical, heart opening event. A beautiful opportunity to deepen connection with amazing elders, to see their connection with nature, their kindness, their love, to learn about their traditions, to pray together, to receive deep healing and to meet many lovely people and make new friends. It was a life changing experience that opened my eyes to many things, which I knew deep inside but had forgotten. Especially sharing this with my mother was beautiful. I cant wait to join the next gathering!