The Cosmic Medicine of the Apus: Inka Mysteries & Sacred Journey Retreat
Dates: Tuesday, April 22 - Tuesday, April 29
Sacred Valley, Peru
The Cosmic Medicine of the Apus: Inka Mysteries & Sacred Journey
We are pleased to announce a unique opportunity to embark on a sacred and enigmatic journey to the heart of the ancient Tawantinsuyu territory of the Inkas, the solar nation of ancient peoples, Qosqo - Sacred Valley of the Inkas - Pumaqanchi, sacred towns of the ancestors. This sacred journey will take place from April 22 to April 29, under the teachings, guidance, and ceremonies of the tradition masters: Inka T'ito and Mama Qori.
This sacred journey into Inka tradition is a deep immersion into ancestral wisdom, sacred practices, ceremonies, and the healing energies of the land of the Inkas, children of the Sun. Each day will be filled with ceremonies, rituals, and teachings that will connect you with the forces and spirits of nature, the cosmos, the Sun, and the Apus (spiritual guardians and guides of the sacred mountains).
During this journey, we will explore and be part of:
Opening ceremonies and sacred permissions.
Rituals of cleansing and spiritual and energetic purification.
Teachings on the connection with sacred beings and guardians.
Practices of liberation and channeling of energies for healing.
Connection with the sacred elements and cosmic solar deities.
Teachings of ancestral wisdom and knowledge for life: the path, transformation, and the evolution of the sacred being.
Contacting, living, and experiencing the conscious energy of the living cultural tradition of the Inkas in the present day.
All of this will take place in the majestic setting of: Qosqo - Sacred Valley - Pumaqanchi (Sacred territories of the Inka ancestors), where we will visit ancient temples, sacred mountains, and sacred lakes, ceremonial spaces, and ritual sites.
This is a unique and timely journey in this important moment in time! Be part of this sacred journey, this sacred experience with Ayllu (sacred community) to live a spiritual and cultural experience that will change your life and lead you to a new understanding of yourself, a new stage, and a new reality of your existence and the world around you.
Retreat Itinerary
We will meet at the ceremonial circle in the village of Lamay. KICHAY - YACHAY Q’OYMIKUY: Reception, meeting, and Sacred Opening Ceremony and Permission for the journey and all Ayllu members. On this day in the ceremony, we will open the path of wisdom and ancestral knowledge of the ancestors, learning and developing basic sacred practices of the tradition.
We will gather to receive teachings on CH’UYANCHAKUY: Study, recognition, and practice with the subtle negative and harmful energies of Hucha, as well as other benign energies for the sacred path. We will learn how to cleanse, free ourselves, and connect with pure and conscious energies for the well-being, health, and harmony of each person. Instructions and guidance for the ceremony will be given, after which we will depart to the sacred space of the Water Spirits in the Sacred Valley near the village of Lamay. After lunch, we will prepare for a CH’UYANCHAY ceremony, a ritual of cleansing and spiritual and energetic purification of the various fields, layers, and dimensions of Manqos Wasi, according to the teachings and instructions of the Ayllu masters.
We will travel to the ancestral temple of the Inka ancestors, called Huch’uy Qosqo. The journey will take approximately one hour to the Inka ancestral temple. On this day, as part of the path and learning, we will study and learn the practices and rituals of QESPICHIKUY, a Ritual of Liberation, discharge, and channeling of energies as part of the individual and group healing process.
After dawn in this beautiful place surrounded by nature and with the rising of the father Sun amidst the sacred mountains, we will enjoy a very special and familiar breakfast. Then we will begin a small pilgrimage to the sacred temple of the Inka ancestors.We will learn and work on the Four Paths, states, and dimensions of connection and communication with the sacred beings and guardians of this world, spirits and sacred beings of nature, and the sacred mountains. We will learn and connect with the four forces and dimensions of connection and communication according to the ancient wisdom and practice of the Inka ancestors known as: TUPAY, T’INKUY, T’INKIY, and T’INKAY. At each stage, state, and connection of practice, we will understand, comprehend, and realize the path of connection and communication with the Spirits, energies, and forces that surround this world. We will perform the ritual practice of connection with the energies and guardian beings of the sacred elements, working with the forces of the sacred elements and the ancestors.
We will head to the ancestral village of PumaQanchi, from the Qanchi nation. The trip will take approximately 3 and a half hours, with breaks and relaxation along the way. We will focus on the work of YANANTIN - YANANCHAKUY: teachings and rituals with Dual Forces and Beings, preparation and conscious work with the sacred being and the sacred connection of duality.
In the sacred ritual of duality called YANANTIN - YANANCHAKUY, we will be able to make our requests, openings, and connections of the paths for duality, love, union, and the connection of couples.
We will travel to the sacred place of the ancestors, where we will complement the work with duality and open ourselves for the sacred ceremony of the offering to Pachatayta, Pachamama, and the cosmic solar deities. Today we will focus on the ancestral Ceremony of offering and connection with the Apus of the Sacred Territory of the ancestors, as well as with the guardians and inhabitants of the sacred mountains and the sacred land. In this ceremony of HAYWARIKUY Y CONEXIÓN, everyone will be part of it and make their offering, connecting from the sacred space. You will also be able to ask for what you need or wish for the path of life. For example: requests for connection with the Dual Forces.
We will journey to the sacred mountain of the Qanchis ancestors. The journey will take approximately 40 minutes. At the sacred mountain place, we will fulfill the Sacred Ceremony of AÑANCHAKUY - KUSIKUY - Q’OCHORIKUY: ceremonies of gratitude and recognition of the Sacred Being and the cosmic solar fathers and mothers who direct and guide this world.
In addition, on this day, we will close our sacred journey, our sacred meeting, and the teachings of the ceremonies with a ritual of Q’OCHORIKUY AND KUSIKUY. This ritual will be part of the celebration of the union of the path and the sacred connection with the cosmic solar deities.

Meet the Elders
Inka T’ito Q’osñipa Kuntur
Inka - Peru
Inka T’ito is a direct descendant of the most ancient Inka lineage, Children of the Sun, and the Qanchi nation, galactic children of the rainbow. He carries over a thousand years of ancestral wisdom and sacred knowledge. From birth, he faced challenges, trainings, and initiations, receiving cosmic secrets, Inka solar codes, the Solar Disk, the Inka Solar Staff, and traditional knowledge at mystical places like Illa Punku (Solar Portal) and the sacred mountain of Apu Willka Qhari.
Inka T’ito is the 17th Inka of the New Tawantinsuyu, a title given by Inka masters and the tradition. He works on awakening and reviving the New Tawantinsuyu (Solar Nation of ancestral nations), continuing the ancestral path. As a master, he is an Inka Hamawt’a (wise teacher), “Inti Yaya” (solar priest), Willaq Huma (prophetic leader), Inka Paqo (priest and messenger of mountain spirits), Hampiq paqo (healing master), and Qhawaq (oracle).
He founded the ancient Inka Solar School, “ILLA INTI YACHAY WASI,” restoring the order and legacy of the Inka ancestors. He directs teachings, sacred practices, and initiatory rituals, aligning with ancestral tradition. Inka T’ito is an author of sacred and cultural books, preserving the rich solar culture of Tawantinsuyu. He continues to teach and gather wisdom from sacred spaces and tribes, sharing knowledge and healing.
In recent years, Inka T’ito has expanded his teachings globally, with permission from Inka solar masters, the Apus, and Pachamama, responding to seekers of ancestral knowledge, wisdom, and healing. He resides in the Sacred Valley of the Inkas, in Pumaqanchi and Qosqo, with Mama Qori and his family.
Mama Qoya Qori Qespe Wayta
Inka - Peru
Qoya Qori Qespe Wayta is a leader and advisor of the Tawantinsuyu. She is a wise sacred medicine woman and a teacher of Inka tradition.
Qoya Qori was born and raised in Willka Mayu, in the Sacred Valley of Inka Qosqo, within the Khallka Nation of the Antisuyu territory. She grew up under the protection of the solar Apu spirit, the Wamanis and Achachillas (sacred spirits, natural guardians), and embraced by Pachamama and Pacha Tayta (spiritual and cosmic mother and father), Hallp’a Mama (Mother Earth). From a young age, she cultivated, planted, harvested, and cared for sacred seeds, making pilgrimages to sacred spaces and temples of the Apus.
Qoya Qori descends from a long lineage of wise grandmothers, teachers, and healers of Inka tradition, as well as grandparents, mothers, and fathers who were guardians of ancestral wisdom, knowledge, and medicines, living under the natural cosmic order, harmony, and balance that sustain everything in this world—body, spirit, energy, and consciousness.
Her native language is Quechua, a sacred language carrying codes of information and a cosmic solar language. She was trained and guided by her grandmothers and grandfathers, and her spiritual mothers and fathers, forged by natural and magical forces, tested by the sacred elements and ancestral spirits, based on principles of sacred and ancestral life, and on natural and cosmic forces that hold wisdom and knowledge since ancient times.
She is a member of the Inka Solar School and Musuq Tawantinsuyu. Together with Inka T’ito, she performs spiritual work focused on transmitting ancestral knowledge. They carry out pilgrimages, teachings, and ceremonies, delivering sacred messages from the Inka and Qoya ancestors of Tawantinsuyu to ancestral peoples.

We will be spending the first 3 nights in a hotel in the Sacred Valley. The next 3 nights we will be staying in Inka Ttito’s family homes in the Inka villages. On April 28th we will stay at a hotel in Cusco.
Getting There
Please fly into Cusco (CUZ) no later than the 9:25AM flight on April 22nd. We will all meet at the airport and begin our journey to the Sacred Valley via private transportation. We will return back to Cusco via private transportation on April 28th and spend the night there. You can book your return flight for April 29th.
Contribution Information
- $3,500 Standard Registration
- Your contribution includes accommodations, meals, and all transportation during the retreat. (not included: flights + transportation from Cusco to the airport on April 29th)
If you have any questions, please reach out to nikka@aniwa.co.
Join us for this retreat