Gaining Self-Empowerment by Gonatushi - Our Ability to Baptize Nature and Learn Self-Healing Methods by using Plants

Monday, September 9th - Monday, September 16th
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia


Sacred Journey in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta - The Journey we are about to take as we hear the call of the Heart of the Earth - Gonavindúa -  the call of the Sierra Nevada, is a very personal Journey. During this Sacred Journey we will learn about Gonatushi which refers to our capacity to baptize spaces, the everyday activities we do, the natural environment around us, and our capacity to bring sacredness and healing in our lives.

How do we acknowledge and more importantly how do we embrace this ability? When we realize the importance of awakening this ability which is dormant within us, we will begin a new journey of Self-Empowerment. This new journey will deepen the connection we have with others, with the Natural realms, and among the diverse multidimensional aspects of Life on Earth. This will be a journey of self-discovery, deep healing, and interconnection at all levels and between all the different facets of our Soul.

This is a Sacred Journey in Sacred Territory, and is the Sierra Nevada herself that is calling us. It requires our humbleness, our reverence and our Love, for Nature, for Humanity and for the Earth. We will spend 6 days living in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, inside the Linea Negra territory. The Linea Negra is the Energetic/Multidimensional and Geological frontier between the Ancestral territory of the Teyuna (Kogis, Wiwas, Arhuacos and Kankuamos) and the outside world. This frontier is not only spiritual but geological. Westerners are not allowed within the Linea Negra, but because of the nature of this work and our relationship with the Teyuna communities they are allowing a group of 20 participants only.

We will be doing short field trips visiting some of the Sacred Sites of the Teyuna.  One of the sites is a place where Ceremonial Clay Pots are made. They are made inside a temple built on a Sacred Site. This one is a field trip for those who enjoy walking, because it will be a bit far. The selection of the Sacred sites to visit will be determined upon divining. Each Sacred Site visit will activate ancient codes that are dormant within ourselves, so we will only visit the Sacred Sites that vibrate according to the entire group’s energy frequencies.

Space is very limited for these retreats, so please register as soon as possible.

What You Will Learn

  • Deep listening

  • Interconnectedness at all levels

  • Mindfulness of the unseen

Retreat Itinerary

DAY 1 - September 9th

During this first day, we will be arriving into the Linea Negra Territory and settling in. We ask that everyone please arrive into Santa Marta Airport by 8am. From there, we will take a van all together to reach our first destination. We will have a welcome circle and in the evening the Mamos will bring musicians that will play Ancestral Songs and we will be all dancing and listening to music the entire night.

DAY 2 - September 10th

We are going to learn about the roles that the people in authority play in the Ancestral Territory of the Teyuna. The people in positions of authority in the Teyuna territory of the Sierra Nevada are not Mamos; nonetheless they are under the direction of the Mamos.  

The Mamos are the ones who identify and determine the needs of the natural environment in their territory, as well as the needs in their communities, and the authorities are the ones who execute the Mamos’ plans.

We will be working with a rock as a sacred material that is called Nicuma, which is a rock that comes to the surface of the Caribbean Sea during specific times of the year to be harvested by the Teyuna. Nicuma represents the authority in Nature and by doing Pagamento and Ceremony with it we could alleviate and improve severe weather events such as: Hurricanes, thunderstorms, lightning, heat waves and unusual plant blooming.

The transmission of this knowledge will not only empower us, but provide us with the tools to improve the weather conditions in our local area, to alleviate the increasing number of natural disasters and the emotional impact they have on us and our communities.

We will be working in 2 different natural environments and will learn different practices. The Teyuna have not shared these practices with the outside world, before.

The Mamos who will be teaching us are: Mamo Fernando Barros and Mamo Pedro Mojica.

DAY 3 – September 11th

We will learn about the origin of the 4 tribes of the Teyuna group – Kogis, Wiwas, Arhuacos and Kankuamos. We will learn the designated territory for each of the ethnic groups of the Sierra Nevada and the spiritual meaning of it.

We will be working with the Spiritual Father Tekú and will learn how to do a Pagamento to honor his energy and the energy of gold, silver, precious metals and all precious stones such as diamonds as well as semi-precious stones such as quartz.  All of the above are noble metals and high frequency crystals in the natural world.

By learning this type of Pagamento not only we will be protecting Sacred Spaces in Nature such as rain forests, rivers and lakes, but doing this Pagamento will have a beneficial effect on our personal health. It will protect us from getting infectious diseases.

We will learn about their Sacred Plant: Ayo and the spiritual aspect of it. What is Ayo (coca leaves) good for? The final step after harvesting and toasting the Ayo is done by the Mamos of the village when they baptize the Ayo.

They  baptize the toasted leaves to protect the order/integrity of the words that the Teyuna use regularly, as well as the words of the Mamos so they can continue teaching, counseling, and sharing their wisdom with their communities.

We will gain a new level of awareness about the importance of the words we use. We will also strengthen our self-empowerment by becoming aware of our own ability to baptize the words we use before articulating them.

DAY 4 – September 12th

What is the role of the Teyuna women in their society? The Teyuna women play an important role in their communities. The everyday activities of the Teyuna women are intertwined with the spiritual and energetic wellbeing of their community.  The Teyuna women are in full awareness of the sacred meaning of their earthly actions therefore they are fully present while doing them.   

We will be learning with them what is the spiritual meaning of weaving and knitting while they are making mini-mochilas to carry Segwas or Sacred Objects. We will learn about the Sacredness of Cotton that the Teyuna called Burrina. How an ordinary activity such as knitting may carry a sacred energy by the demeanor and awareness of the person who is doing it.

When Dugunavi (he is a very important Spiritual Father for the Teyuna) asked Abu Sé (She is the feminine aspect of the Creator): How can I baptize? Abu Sé answered him: “You will baptize by doing this, by having a sacred demeanor while weaving a cotton cloth, while knitting a cotton mochila or hat, and when doing this you will do it in complete awareness that you are in ceremony.  Also you will baptize by telling a sacred story such as the Sacred Story of Cotton or Burrina”.

The Teyuna women will show us how to massage. We will become acquainted with the idea that we can use materials from our physical bodies to do a Ceremony to clear our own energy. This practice is an esoteric practice that they have not shared before. This teaching is mainly for women, however men will greatly benefit by learning this.

We will begin a Journey of self-empowerment by becoming aware of the sacredness of our daily activities and by learning an esoteric practice that will allow us to do a clearing in our own energy.

The Zagas who will be teaching us are: Zaga Maria Luisa and Zaga Josefina.

DAY 5 and 6 - September 13th and 14th

These two days are focused on healing. We will be studying the different healing modalities of the Teyuna.

Ancestral Medicine – This healing is based on verbalizing all the events that have been traumatic in your life and that have caused you and others pain. They call this type of healing: Aganguashi.

Traditional Medicine – This healing method is focused on a deep clearing of the energy field by using specific plants and concoctions, and by acknowledging the allies that we have in Nature.  You will be introduced to sacred plants such as Frailejon as well as rum based clearing concoctions.

Medicinal Plants – This is the type of healing that is done by bathing with plants mixtures, massaging and taking plant elixirs. These plant baths are prepared in ceremonial clay pots that were made in the temple.

The Mamos who will be teaching us these 2 days are: Mamo Juan Jesús Pastor and Mamo José Martin Barros.

This is a continuation of our Journey of self-empowerment by learning different self-healing tools and techniques that you could use for your own healing.

DAY 7 - September 15th

How do we baptize a house or a temple? This is important when you move to a new house or space. We are going to baptize a house in the Sierra Nevada. When we baptize the house or a Temple, we are baptizing the Elders, the sages; we are rejuvenating the Zagas and the Mamos, we are restoring the spirit of the Elders. According to the Law of Origin there are certain requirements needed; you will need to have enough Frailejon to smudge the entire house, you will make a fire in the center of the house, and the Mamo will begin to tell the story of the Temple or the house. Answering questions such as: What is the purpose of building this house or Temple? What will be done in the space after the baptism?

How do we clean the energy of our house, the energy of our spaces? This is focused on how we clear the energy of our spaces. This is important to do regularly, but is particularly important to do it when we are going through difficult times in our Life. This is a straightforward method to clear our house using plants and/or rum based concoctions.

This is a continuation of our Journey of self-empowerment by learning different clearing techniques to clear the energy of our spaces.   

*Please note the itinerary is subject to change.

Additional Offerings

We will be introduced for the first time to a type of Medicine that only few Mamos practice.

We will have with us Mamo Armenta who will be doing private consultations with “energetic extractions” upon request; this is a deeper level of healing. This rare opportunity of individual healing is on donation basis and we are offering it as an additional healing opportunity if you are interested. We call it “energetic extractions” because diseased energy is extracted from your energy field and will manifest in physical form before your eyes.

This is a type of Interdimensional Healing that is able to address negative/diseased energy that we may be carrying around for years.

Please reach out to Nikka for more information on suggested donation and to reserve a session.

Optional Add-On: Retreat Integration

We will integrate at El Matuy, a beach paradise in Palomino, located beside a sacred pagamento site for the Kogi people. Here, where the ocean meets the river, you can immerse yourself in the natural beauty and powerful energy of this unique location. Integrate the profound teachings and deep healing of the Sierra in a serene and breathtaking environment.

The Aniwa team will be here from September 15th on holiday after the retreat. We will not be doing any work during our time here. There will be a van going to El Matuy on September 15th for an additional cost. You are responsible for booking your stay at El Matuy with the hotel directly and you are responsible for sorting your transportation back to Santa Marta or wherever you are going next after El Matuy. Bookings can be done directly with El Matuy.

Our Leaders

  • Zaga Josefina

    Wiwa - Sierra Nevada, Colombia

    Zagas are the female equivalents of Mamos. They are much more than just leaders; they represent the Light in the darkness. They hold the Ancestral Wisdom for future generations.

    As it is the case for most Zagas, Zaga Josefina was chosen by divination when her mother was pregnant and began her training from birth. Zaga Josefina plays an important role in her community, she is responsible to guide and educate the girls during their various rites of passage, such as a girl’s first menstruation, giving birth, etc. She is a teacher and a counselor for her community.

    Zaga Josefina is a Priestess, a medicine woman, a botanist, a midwife, a massage therapist, a weaver, a storyteller, an adviser, a seer, a diviner, a musician, and an Elder. Besides her normal functions as a Priestess which includes: to officiate weddings and Baptisms as well as administer Funeral Rites, Zaga Josefina specializes in clearing the energy field of people by different means: aguarrinchi and Frailejon and preparing talismans or “seguranzas” which are power objects that will protect the person who wears functions as a Priestess which includes: to officiate weddings and Baptisms as well as administer Funeral Rites, Zaga Josefina specializes in clearing the energy field of people by different means: aguarrinchi and Frailejon and preparing talismans or “seguranzas” which are power objects that will protect the person who wears them.

  • Mamo Rodrigo

    Wiwa - Sierra Nevada, Colombia

    Mamo Sewigu Kakamukwa (Mamo Rodrigo) comes from a lineage of Mamos that goes beyond his great-great-grandfather, his family comes from the Kakamukwa lineage and there has been Mamos in his family in every single generation.

    Mamo Sewigu (Mamo Rodrigo) was an educator and leader of his community before receiving his Segwa at the head of the Jerez River when being ordained as a Mamo.

    Mamo Sewigu is not only a Mamo, but he was a Maestro first.

    For the Tayrona, a Maestro is a weaver, a storyteller, a musician, a teacher, and is also in charge of making Sacred Objects for the community.

    A Maestro is the weaver who makes the walls of the Temple and the hats the Wiwa people wear, a Maestro also makes the Carrumbo (Sacred Object: a spindle) that the young females use to spin the cotton.

    Mamo Sewigu/Rodrigo was the teacher who opened the first bilingual School in 2007 inside the Reservation to teach basic Spanish and Math, as well as their Traditional Knowledge, to prevent the youngsters to leave the Reservation while preserving their Cultural Identity. He has also worked for the Colombian Public Health Department during Public Health campaigns as a nurse. His knowledge of the Tayrona languages as well as his knowledge of the Wiwa and Kogi territory in the state of Guajira enables him to act in the capacity of an intercultural bridge.


The total contribution for this life changing retreat is $3,500. This amount includes the activities, accommodations, and most meals. It does not include airfare or any private one on one healings. 

Payment plans are available on the ticketing page via Klarna. Should you need other payment plan support please reach out to

We look forward to having you join us on this transformative journey. Should you have any further questions, please reach out to


You will want to fly to Santa Marta. The best option is to book a flight to Bogota, Colombia, and then take a domestic flight to Santa Marta. This is the most convenient and time-efficient way to reach Santa Marta from outside Colombia. Please arrive to Santa Marta no later than the 7:50AM flight on September 9th. A van will leave from the airport at 8:30AM to head to the community. A van will take us back to Santa Marta on September 15. You are responsible for your stay in Santa Marta on September 15 and can book your departure flight from Santa Marta on September 16th.

If you chose to participate in the Retreat Integration, we will leave to El Matuy on September 15th. For your return, the closest airport to El Matuy is Santa Marta.

Join us for this retreat