Sacred Tobacco Reading & Healing
with Inka Tito & Mama Qori

Inka T’ito Q’osñipa Kuntur

Inka - Peru

Inka T’ito is a direct descendant of the most ancient Inka lineage, Children of the Sun, and the Qanchi nation, galactic children of the rainbow. He carries over a thousand years of ancestral wisdom and sacred knowledge. From birth, he faced challenges, trainings, and initiations, receiving cosmic secrets, Inka solar codes, the Solar Disk, the Inka Solar Staff, and traditional knowledge at mystical places like Illa Punku (Solar Portal) and the sacred mountain of Apu Willka Qhari.

Inka T’ito is the 17th Inka of the New Tawantinsuyu, a title given by Inka masters and the tradition. He works on awakening and reviving the New Tawantinsuyu (Solar Nation of ancestral nations), continuing the ancestral path. As a master, he is an Inka Hamawt’a (wise teacher), “Inti Yaya” (solar priest), Willaq Huma (prophetic leader), Inka Paqo (priest and messenger of mountain spirits), Hampiq paqo (healing master), and Qhawaq (oracle).

He founded the ancient Inka Solar School, “ILLA INTI YACHAY WASI,” restoring the order and legacy of the Inka ancestors. He directs teachings, sacred practices, and initiatory rituals, aligning with ancestral tradition. Inka T’ito is an author of sacred and cultural books, preserving the rich solar culture of Tawantinsuyu. He continues to teach and gather wisdom from sacred spaces and tribes, sharing knowledge and healing.

In recent years, Inka T’ito has expanded his teachings globally, with permission from Inka solar masters, the Apus, and Pachamama, responding to seekers of ancestral knowledge, wisdom, and healing. He resides in the Sacred Valley of the Inkas, in Pumaqanchi and Qosqo, with Mama Qori and his family.

Mama Qoya Qori Qespe Wayta

Inka - Peru

Qoya Qori Qespe Wayta is a leader and advisor of the Tawantinsuyu. She is a wise sacred medicine woman and a teacher of Inka tradition.

Qoya Qori was born and raised in Willka Mayu, in the Sacred Valley of Inka Qosqo, within the Khallka Nation of the Antisuyu territory. She grew up under the protection of the solar Apu spirit, the Wamanis and Achachillas (sacred spirits, natural guardians), and embraced by Pachamama and Pacha Tayta (spiritual and cosmic mother and father), Hallp’a Mama (Mother Earth). From a young age, she cultivated, planted, harvested, and cared for sacred seeds, making pilgrimages to sacred spaces and temples of the Apus.

Qoya Qori descends from a long lineage of wise grandmothers, teachers, and healers of Inka tradition, as well as grandparents, mothers, and fathers who were guardians of ancestral wisdom, knowledge, and medicines, living under the natural cosmic order, harmony, and balance that sustain everything in this world—body, spirit, energy, and consciousness.

Her native language is Quechua, a sacred language carrying codes of information and a cosmic solar language. She was trained and guided by her grandmothers and grandfathers, and her spiritual mothers and fathers, forged by natural and magical forces, tested by the sacred elements and ancestral spirits, based on principles of sacred and ancestral life, and on natural and cosmic forces that hold wisdom and knowledge since ancient times.

She is a member of the Inka Solar School and Musuq Tawantinsuyu. Together with Inka T’ito, she performs spiritual work focused on transmitting ancestral knowledge. They carry out pilgrimages, teachings, and ceremonies, delivering sacred messages from the Inka and Qoya ancestors of Tawantinsuyu to ancestral peoples.

About Digital Session

The sacred tobacco has several ways of working in our lives, it provides an energetic connection with Mother Earth and our ancestors. Maya elders consider the sacred tobacco as a dimensional portal to see the past, present, and future of our existence. Tata Mario reads the sacred tobacco, and does divination with beans to read a person’s life.

One can enquire about and ask for help with

  • Spiritual balance

  • Unblocking negative energies

  • Harmonize family bonds

  • Internalize peace

  • Closure of cycles of trauma

  • Connection with Mother Earth and the Cosmos

  • Prediction of past, present and future

  • Helps define decisions

  • New life opportunities

  • Economic abundance

  • Work matters

  • Call in a romantic partnership

Complex issues might require up to 3 ceremonies to be performed by Tata Mario. One does not need to be present for those, photos will be sent.

You will also receive a reading of your Nahual (Maya sign)

Additional Info

Once you register for a reading, you will receive a link to book in your confirmation email.

A translator will be present on the Zoom call to translate the conversation from Spanish to English and fulfill the role of a session moderator.

The session will last about 45 minutes - 1 hour.

Once you register for a reading, you will receive a link to book in your confirmation email.

*Contributions for special ceremonies required will be arranged case by case depending on the materials required.

**Scholarships are available for low income individuals. Please email for application.

Rescheduling & No-Show Policy

Participants have a 15-minute grace period to join the Zoom meeting. If they are unable to join or miss the session, they can reschedule for a fee of $60. In cases where rescheduling is required within a 24-hour timeframe, a $60 rebooking fee will apply.
